
Top Trends in the Energy Project Sector in 2024

The energy sector is experiencing a transformative shift as the world moves towards more sustainable practices. In fact, Proteus was born in response to this changing environment, with a downturn in oil and gas projects. In 2024, important trends are happening because of efforts to reach net-zero emissions, new technology,…

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Maximizing Project Success with Value of Work Done (VOWD)

The Value of Work Done (VOWD) is important for oil, gas, and renewable energy projects as it shows a combination of progress and financial performance. Ensuring the successful completion of a complex project requires comprehensive control over various aspects including quality, quantity, costs, and schedules. Continuous monitoring throughout the project…

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3 Biggest Challenges for Engineering Consultancies in 2024

In 2024, engineering consultancies working on complex projects in the energy and infrastructure sectors are facing significant challenges. These challenges demand adaptability, innovation, and resilience. With the race to net zero, constant technological advancement, and a scarcity of skilled professionals, it has never been more important for these service providers…

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Best practice in project management - Proteus project software

Excellence Unveiled: Best Practices for Comprehensive Engineering Project Management

In the UK engineering sector, ensuring best practices in project management is paramount to success. In this blog, we will explore what are the best practices for project management in the fields of oil and gas, renewables and engineering. Introduction to UK Engineering Landscape In the UK energy and engineering…

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James McCallum

James McCallum: Energy firms must embrace ‘power of technology’ to ease their troubles

Xergy founder James McCallum discusses the role of technology in helping improve energy firms' margins. As we move towards a meaningful energy transition, 2024 is throwing up challenges that are reshaping the trajectory of energy projects. Policy switches from government, the competing agendas of different energy providers, cost inflation and…

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Baseline and Forecasting | Proteus Project Software

The Significance of Baselining and Forecasting in Projects

Baselining and forecasting are both important in running successful projects. Baselining provides a solid foundation to measure performance while forecasting helps project managers anticipate and address challenges.  Baselines and forecasts are important in project controls, helping with planning, monitoring, and adapting to project changes. Together, they enable project teams to…

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An Interview with our Head of Customer Success, Nick Nooren

Proteus recently onboarded a new client, a global consultancy delivering projects in the energy sector for leading developers and operators. We met with the Head of Proteus’ Customer Success team, Nick Nooren, to learn more about our partnership with this client and to find out about the solution we have…

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What is Software as a Service (SaaS)

Technology is constantly evolving and transforming the way that businesses operate. In an age of digital transformation, software as a service (SaaS) is rapidly gaining popularity and, in most sectors, has replaced traditional on-premises software. SaaS is great for businesses, big or small, because it helps with teamwork, makes work…

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Artificial Intelligence in Project management

The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Project Management

Artificial intelligence (AI) has rapidly become a buzzword across global industries. Project management is no different. It is becoming increasingly difficult to find an article or podcast surrounding project management that does not mention artificial intelligence. Broadly speaking, AI is a branch of computer science that provides algorithms to ‘think’…

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